AMTOS SOLUTIONS Ltd. has developed a Force Control Unit with previously unseen performance characteristics meant for application in the field of mechatronics.
What’s new
Experimental research for application in sanding steel workpieces
Our team has performed testing of the AMTOS® FCU in sanding applications on steel surfaces. Testing …
Experimental research in grinding thin-walled steel workpieces with free form surfaces / winter 2022
AMTOS® FCU testing in grinding application on thin-walled stainless curved steel surface with 10N &#…
Continuous improvement (development, enhancement) of design and control features of AMTOS® FCU/ spring 2023
After two years of successful testing of the AMTOS® FCU in different industrial conditions and when …

Amtos FCU1
The Force Control Unit (FCU) is a fully electric device designed for adaptive force compensation in robot polishing and/or sanding applications…
About us
AMTOS SOLUTIONS Ltd. was founded in 2019 in Zagreb, Croatia as a start-up company formed around one product: the AMTOS® FCU. In a short period of time we have patented, tested, and launched a new product capable of performances unseen until now in the field of mechatronics.
We are team of five enthusiasts, four engineers with PhDs and one business developer.
Our Vision is to become a relevant stakeholder for globally needed mechatronic solutions in industry and our mission is to deliver quality solutions based on contemporary knowledge into every single project.

AMTOS SOLUTIONS Ltd. will provide its costumers of AMTOS® FCU with help regarding installation support using our deep insight approach in technology process improvements. AMTOS SOLUTIONS will also provide maintenance service/advice or servicing of the device.
AMTOS SOLUTIONS Ltd. also provides services in the field of mechatronics, from collaborative R&D projects for a particular product, to consulting for more efficient production processes. Holistic approach towards every project is a result of acquired knowledge and experience of Amtos’s engineers and scientists.

Contact us
For more information on our product Amtos® FCU please contact us via the contact form